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ACE缓冲器MC 150MH2稳速器
来源: 点击数:335次 更新时间:2019/10/14 15:46:44

ACE MC 150MH2稳速器,查看或者下载样品请来电咨询或联系客服,我们会通过邮件的形式发送给您,谢谢!



S08083        S10071        S10072

S14164        S20190        S20191

S25254       S25400         MC150M 20

MC150MH      MC600M 136       MC600MH

SC75M-6 16      SC75M-7         SC190M-5

SL-100-25        SL-300-12       SL-300-25

SL-030-12-D-MP3           SL-100-25-D-MP1

The center angle of the throttle groove 81 from the beginning to the end is 270 degrees, and the flattened shape is the isosceles triangle shown in Figure 7. Thus, the width of the cross section of the throttle groove decreases linearly from the beginning to the end, and the area of the cross section of the throttle groove decreases linearly from the beginning to the end. At the same time, the area of the throttle groove 81 decreases linearly from the beginning to the end. Radial orifice 82 is arranged at the starting point. On the inner side of the outer cylinder block 1, the axial long strip liquid flow groove 83 overlaps with the throttle groove 81, and is connected with the oil return chamber 6 in the outer cylinder block 1. As shown in Fig. 4, the central angle corresponding to the width of the liquid flow groove 83 is 45 degrees.

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