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MC 150MH2稳速器
来源: 点击数:329次 更新时间:2019/10/14 15:46:13

ACE MC 150MH2稳速器

内容:ACE缓冲器.5ACE缓冲器缓冲器 。根据铁道车辆半主动悬挂系统的要求,完成了横向半主动缓冲器的结构设计,并运用三维造型软件Pro/ENGINEER对其进行实体造型设计

ACE buffer is mainly used to buffer load impact, avoid collision damage, noise, improve cycle speed, improve product quality and so on. ACE high performance shock absorber products are widely used in automation, robotics, material transmission, packaging, steel, machine tools, wood, entertainment, and other industries.

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